Intel Cryptography for Integrated Performance Primitives v5.3.2.073 ITANIUM 英文正式版(密碼學函數庫軟體)
英特爾高性能多媒體函數庫( IPP)的密碼學函數庫,為你的應用程式創建安全防護功能,
例如增強的隱私保護、證書、訪問控制、電子支付、企業安全等。支援DES, TDES,
Rijndael, SHA1, RSA 等算法.
Build security into your software applications using
Intel?Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel?IPP).
Utilize cryptography functions to facilitate software
enhancements such as improved privacy, trust, access
control, electronic payments, and corporate security.
Intel Cryptography for Integrated Performance Primitives v6.0.0.062 ITANIUM 英文正式版(密碼學函數庫軟體)
Intel Cryptography for Integrated Performance Primitives v6.0.2.074 ITANIUM 英文正式版(密碼學函數庫軟體)
Intel Cryptography for Integrated Performance Primitives v5.3.045 ITANIUM 英文正式版(英特爾高性能多媒體函數庫(英特爾 IPP)的密碼學函數庫軟體)
Intel Cryptography for Integrated Performance Primitives v5.2.057 ITANIUM 英文正式版(英特爾編程開發軟體)
Intel Cryptography for Integrated Performance Primitives v5.3.4.087 ITANIUM 英文正式版(多媒體函數庫( IPP)的密碼學函數庫軟體)
Intel Cryptography for Integrated Performance Primitives v5.3.045 EM64T 英文正式版(英特爾高性能多媒體函數庫(英特爾 IPP)的密碼學函數庫軟體)
Intel Cryptography for Integrated Performance Primitives v5.3.4.087 EM64T 英文正式版(多媒體函數庫( IPP)的密碼學函數庫軟體)