WikiLeaks Insurance File 英文正式版(DVD版)
We have decided to utilise the greatest means of secure mass-distribution
to help spread the WikiLeaks Insurance file. Autotraders and racers,
spread this to help support truth, justice and transparency in Government.
The Scene supports WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, we are happy to help
spread this insurance file to millions of people world wide.
It is time Government's are held accountable for their actions.
You have no where to hide, no where to run. The truth is out there.
Serv-U File Server Gold Enterprise v9.3.0.1 繁體中文/英文正式版(FTP文件傳輸協定軟體)
Comfy File Recovery v3.6 英文正式版(文件恢復軟體)
Duplicate File Detective v2.1.0.0 英文正式版(釋放磁碟空間的軟體)
Stone File Undelete 1.2.75 英文正式版(檔恢復軟體)
Sobolsoft Automatic File Backup v7.0 英文正式版(文件自動備份工具軟體)
Hastasoft File-IO v5.15 German 英文正式版(文件管理器軟體)
File List Builder v3.1 英文正式版(文件列表生成器軟體)